tell me about RSS
I feel I need to know a little about RSS since it seems integral to the sharing of blogs and blog posts. Also the updates page/s of the wiki can be syndicated using RSS feeds.
I am greatly encouraged by this comment:
"The strength of RSS is its simplicity. It is exceptionally easy to syndicate website content using RSS."
[Stephen Downes: An Introduction to RSS for Educational Designers]
Bullet points about RSS, and RSS feeds:
- RSS stands for 'really simple syndication'
- type of XML document used to share news headlines and other types of web content
- content developers make their RSS files available by placing them on their web server
- RSS aggregators are able to read the RSS files and collect data about the website
- aggregators place the site information into a larger database
- database allows for structured searches of a large number of content providers
- RSS is the first working example of an XML data network
- RSS is not centralized, it is distributed... one item at a time
- there is no central store, repository or library of RSS content; it is all over the internet.
- to access and use RSS content in a viewer or in a web page you need a simple RSS reader
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