"Plato initiated our negative view of the written word by arguing that writing was merely an imitation of speech... while speech was an imitation of thought. Thus writing would be an imitation of an imitation."
Andrew Feenberg: The written world.

Monday, December 6

huh? why this blog?

I've had various blogs over the last couple of years which track holidays, relationships, inner angst etc. However I've been using one in an eCPD course that I am taking: Digital Environments for Learning at the University of Edinburgh. Now, this blog has been quite different. Like the others it has witnessed me prattling on about what's good and what's bad - but the difference is in the way it has helped me consolidate my learning. This utilitarian feature is new to me, and I wanted to explore this further.

My colleague A-M is quite keen on wikis and suggested that we contrast the more 'private' (blog) with the 'public' (wiki). I've never used a wiki before, so come with no expectations, whereas A-M is quite enthusiastic about them. Oh, the investigation is to form part of our assessment... 2500 word essay.


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